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RiskProof Software
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Training in Riskproof -Safe to Trade Audit
RiskProof Software
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New Features
Admin Account and settings
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Audit Upload Tool
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Helpline Logging information
Training Module
To Do's and Alerts
RiskProof App
Risk Assessment
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Safety Solutions
Software training
RiskProof Software
Riskproof Software Services guides
How is my audit scored?
How do I create a new user role?
How do I assign an employee to a training plan?
Contact us
Contacting Shield Safety
New Features
Monitoring - Pause and Resume Checklists
Admin Account and settings
How do I add a new user to RiskProof?
How do I change a user's user role?
How do I amend user details and access?
How do I disable a user?
How do I change my company logo?
How do I change the colour theme?
How do I change the status icons?
How do I add a new location to RiskProof?
How do I amend user role alerts & permissions?
Export Checklists – New Permission
User permission update: Registry Module | Change renewal date
See more
Your User account
How do I change my password?
How do I sign out of RiskProof?
How can I reset my password?
How do I appeal an Audit?
How do I close off action points on an audit?
When will my Audit be published?
What is non conformance risk rating?
What is an executive summary and how do I access this?
How do I reopen a closed audit action point?
Preparing for a Remote Audit
Audit ‘Non-Conformance’ Report
Classic Reports within the Audit module
How do I prepare for an audit?
Audit ‘Status’ Report
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Self Audit
How do I conduct a self-audit?
How do I create an audit?
How do I unpublish an audit? (Self-audit)
Audit Upload Tool
Search in the Audit Upload Tool
AUT Multiple Photo upload ability
Understanding my Dashboard
Understanding RiskProof red, amber, green (RAG) statuses.
Dashboard Enhancements
How do I track user activity on RiskProof?
How do I add an announcement?
How do I view sites and divisions?
How do I amend Divisions?
How are my Dashboard Module Status's calculated ?
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Updates to Building Description Fields in Fire Risk Assessment Reports
How do I view a Fire Risk Assessment?
Can I print a Fire Risk Assessment?
What reports are there on the Fire Module?
How do I prepare for a Fire Risk Assessment?
How do I prepare for a Fire Evacuation Plan visit?
How do I appeal a Fire Risk Assessment?
Fire Reports -Non Conformance report
See more
Helpline Case Updates: Enhancing your helpline experience
Update to Incident case type for Sexual Harassment & Violence reporting
Updates to case types following RIDDOR changes
How do I upload a Document?
How do I close a Helpline case?
How do I edit a Helpline case?
How do I view a closed Helpline case?
Can I print a Helpline case?
Can I download a Helpline case?
How do I reopen a Helpline case?
How do I delete a Helpline case?
Edit a Helpline Case
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Helpline Logging information
How do I add a new Helpline case?
Log a Regulatory Inspection/Contact in Helpline
Log an Advice request in Helpline
Log a Foreign Body case in Helpline
Log an Allergy/Intolerance case in Helpline
Log an Accident case in Helpline
Log an Incident case in Helpline
Log a Near Miss/Dangerous Occurrence case in Helpline
Log an Alleged Food Poisoning case in Helpline
Log a Maintenance/Fault Reporting case in Helpline
Log an General Food Incident case in Helpline
See more
Export Checklists
Archive Checklists
Export Checklists for Multiple Locations
How do I assign a checklist to a specific user?
What does the 'Schedule Pending' label alongside a checklist mean?
Why can't I reopen a closed checklist on RiskProof?
How do I view completed or missed checklists?
What is a defect on a checklist?
How can I view and close Defects?
What reports are there on the Monitoring Module?
How do I assign a checklist to a location?
How do I create a new checklist?
How can I change an assignment?
How do I edit an existing checklist?
What are the different answer types when creating a checklist?
How do I unassign a checklist from a location?
Duplicate Checklists
See more
How can I add a label to a Registry item?
How can I add a Registry item to a location?
How can I see the most recent Registry item upload?
How can I amend the renewal frequency for a Registry item at a location?
How do I remove a Registry item from a location?
How can I restore a deleted Registry item?
How can I upload documents to a Registry item?
How can I see the history of a Registry item?
What is the maximum file size that can be uploaded to the Registry module?
Can I choose the exact date that a Registry item needs to be renewed?
What does the 'Overdue' label alongside a Registry item mean?
What does the 'Due Soon' label alongside a Registry item mean?
Can I bulk update a Registry item?
What reports are there on the Registry module?
How do I create a Registry item?
Why can I not view my Registry item after it had been unarchived?
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Training Module
Can CPL courses be translated?
How can I see how many eLearning licences I have left?
How do I enrol colleagues on eLearning courses?
How do I log onto the CPL eLearning platform?
How do I progress from the security page on CPL?
Why does the CPL link take me straight to the log in page?
How do I remove an employee from the Training module?
How do I delete a training certificate?
How do I delete a training log?
How can I reset a failed CPL course?
How do I log training?
What reports are there on the Training module?
How do I make a training plan?
How do I create a Training course?
How do I update the renewal frequency of an existing Training course?
How do I Reset a CPL Course?
How do I resend the CPL user link?
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To Do's and Alerts
How do I complete a To-do?
How do I create a To-do?
How can I disable a To-do?
How can I view all To-dos?
How do I view alerts?
Which Modules trigger alerts?
See more
RiskProof App
How do I complete a checklist on the app?
How to login to the RiskProof app
Using the RiskProof App
RiskProof App FAQ's
How do I action a defect on the app?
Why can I not upload a photo using the app?
See more
Why can't I view a Policy that I have uploaded?
Why does my Policy have a watermark on it?
Why can't I see a document that I have uploaded?
How do I add a new category in the Documents module?
How do I remove a category from the Documents module?
See more
Risk Assessment
How do I adopt a Risk Assessment?
How do I renew a Risk Assessment?
Understanding Risk Ratings
How do I create a Risk Assessment template?
How do I edit a Risk Assessment?
How do I assign a Risk Assessment?
How can I see which sites have adopted the Risk Assessment?
How do I unassign a Risk Assessment from a location?
How do I delete a Risk Assessment?
Assign Multiple Risk Assessments
See more
Simple Problem solving
How do I clear my cache?