How do I create a Registry item?

We provide a standard list of Registry items which you may find useful, however you may need to add some other items according to the needs of your workplace. This article will guide you through how to create a new Registry item.

Please note, it is typically only Administrators who have permission to create new Registry items.

Sign in to RiskProof.

Click the Registry module in the left-hand navigation.

Click the Manage items tab. 

Here you should see a standard list of Registry items that we provide. You can find out how to assign these straight to a location by reading the How can I add a Registry item to a location? article.

You may have your own items which you will first need to add to the system. 

Follow the steps below to create a new Registry item.

Click the Create item button.

Here you will see the question Do you want to add one of our standard items?, click the radio button No.

Complete all the fields on the screen. 

  • Category - choose a category that this item falls in. You can click add category + if a new one is required 
  • Name - the name of the item - this will appear on the list of items
  • Description - a brief description of the item which may help colleagues to understand what is required
  • Does this item need to be regularly renewed? - click Yes if the item has a renewal period and No if it is a one-off occurrence. If you click Yes you will then have the option to input how often the item requires renewing. 

The renewal frequency can only be inputted in months.

  • Mandatory - if you tick this box, once you save the Registry item it will automatically assigned to all locations and cannot be deleted from a location if not applicable. Only select this if it is required at all locations. 
  • Assign to all locations - same as above, however, this can be removed if not applicable at site level. 

Once the above has been completed, click Save. 

The changes will take effect straight away. If you have selected Mandatory or Assign to all Locations, the items will now appear on the Overview tab for all locations. If not, you will now need to assign the item to the relevant location/s -  search for our helpful  How can I add a Registry item to a location? article.