How are my Dashboard Module Status's calculated ?

How Is My Module Status Calculated? Your module status is displayed as Red, Amber, or Green (RAG) to indicate current performance across the business. Here's how it is calculated:


The status for the Monitoring module is based on both percentage completion of checklists in the last 30 days as well as how many overdue defects there are:

Green: 95% or more checklists logged in the last 30 days OR 2 or less overdue defects

Amber: 90-94% checklists logged in the last 30 days OR 5 or less overdue defects

Red: Less than 90% checklists logged in the last 30 days OR over 5 overdue defects


The overall Audit module status is determined by averaging the RAG statuses of individual locations you have access to or filtered by.

    • Each location’s RAG status is based on the most recent audit results.
    • The status can improve if non-conformances raised during the last audit are resolved and marked as closed.

The individual locations’ RAG status for in Audit module is determined based on the most recent audit and configured scorebands against the audit round that the audit is associated with. Below is a sample of the default scorebands metrics.

RAG Status

Audit Score

Non-Conformance Conditions


Below 60%

More than 5 High-priority non-conformances, or 1 or more Critical non-conformances.


60% - 79%

Up to 3 High-priority non-conformances, and No Critical non-conformances


80% or above

No High-priority or Critical non-conformances.


The status for the Fire module is based on the below:

The overall Fire module status is determined by averaging the RAG statuses of individual locations you have access to or filtered by.

    • Each location’s RAG status is based on the most recent audit results.
    • The status can improve if non-conformances raised during the last audit are resolved and marked as closed.

The individual locations’ RAG status in Fire module is based on the most recent Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) and configured scorebands against the round that the FRA is associated with. Below is a sample of the default scorebands metrics.

RAG Status

Non-Conformance Conditions


1 or more open Substantial or Intolerable non-conformances


1 or more open Tolerable or Moderate non-conformances


No open non-conformances of any severity


The status for the Registry module is based on percentages:

Green: 80% or more items in date

Amber: 60-79% items in date

Red: Less than 60% items in date


The status for the Training module is based on percentages:

Green: 80% or more records in date

Amber: 60-79% records in date

Red: Less than 60% records in date

Risk Assessment

The status for the Training module is based on percentages:

Green: 90% or more Adopted

Amber: 80 – 89% adopted  

Red: 79% or less Adopted or Risk Rating is 50 or less or more and if either the risk assessment is not adopted or it is not in date (Hasn't been reviewed 1 year since the last review).