In the Training module, there are a number of reports that you can run to track colleagues' progress with their training. The article below outlines what each of the reports will detail.
To access the reports, sign in to RiskProof.
Click the Training module in the left-hand navigation.
Click the Reports tab.
You can then choose to view six different report types from the dropdown menu:
- Colleague training overview for a specified course – This report can be filtered by division, training course, and whether the courses are completed or not. It gives an overview of each colleague, their location, the courses assigned to them, and whether they’ve been completed or not.
- Current training status – This report can be filtered by division. The report gives an overview of each location, a RAG rating of the training completed and the % of training in date.
- Training course analysis by location - This report can be filtered by division. The report gives an overview of each location and the % trained within that location. You can also click on the individual sites which takes you to the Overview page for that location.
- Training course analysis by course name - This report can be filtered by division. The report gives an overview of each training course, % of colleagues trained, how many require training and you can also select ‘require training’ to reveal those colleagues which need training in that course.
- eLearning Licence Consumption Summary - This report shows any CPL eLearning courses which have been assigned to colleagues, the licence type, if they have been assigned to colleagues and if the colleagues have completed them.
- eLearning Licence Consumption by Colleague - This report can be filtered by the CPL eLearning name, location, or completion status. It shows the colleague's name, the courses, the training plan and location assigned to that colleague, the completion status of the course and the last date they were enrolled in the course. You can also click on the colleague's name to take you to their records page.
There is also another report which you can access by clicking on the Overview tab and selecting a location
- Overview - This report will give you an overview of each course, the % completed and how many need training. You can see which colleagues need to complete the training by clicking on the menu on the right-hand side, then clicking Due colleagues.