How do I amend user role alerts & permissions?

When a user is added to the system, they must have a 'user role'. User roles determine access level to Riskproof and are set up with alerts and permissions. This article will show you how you can amend the alerts and permissions for a user role.

Only Administrators will have access to amend user role alerts and permissions. Please contact your Administrator if you wish for any changes to be made. 

To amend user role alerts & permissions, sign in to RiskProof.

Click Settings at the top right of the page and then click User roles.

This will bring up the current user roles that are set up on the account.

The default user roles are: Administrator, Site Manager, Division Manager, Group User and Helpline. 


To edit a user role's alerts and permissions, click the ellipses alongside the User role name, and then click Edit

You will see a breakdown of Permissions & alerts.

Click the toggle to the right of the module name to enable or disable user access.

Additionally, you can click the down arrow to the left of the module name to view a list of permissions within that specific module that can be ticked or unticked according to the user role requirements.

If a module has alerts associated with it, you will see these at the bottom of each module. You can use the dropdown to choose if the user role will receive the alerts via email, web, both, or none at all.

Click Save user role to save any changes that you have made.


Please allow up to 15 minutes for these changes to take effect.