How do I reopen a closed audit action point?

You may have closed an action point by mistake, or need to re-open it. The below article will show you how to reopen it.

Please note: It is normally only Administrator user roles who have permission to reopen a closed audit point.

To close an action point on an audit, sign in to RiskProof.

Click the Audits module in the left-hand navigation.

Click the Track tab.

This will bring you to a page that contains Audit rounds. Click on the Audit round dropdown and click the appropriate Audit round.

Click the ellipsis on the right hand side of the location, and then click Details.

Here you will find a list of action points. You will see the closed action points will have Closed as the status. To reopen any of these closed points click the ellipses and then click Reinstate.

You will then see a text box appear stating Message/Reason for reinstatement. Complete the reason for reopening the action point and then click the Save button. 

You will then be able to go back to the View audits tab and select the Audit containing the reopened action point. Scroll down to the Detailed report section and click the Change link to the right hand of the action point. You will then be able to add the information needed.

Remember to click Update status after you have finished adding information into the action point.