Fire Reports -Non Conformance report

Fire ‘Non-Conformance’ Report We are delighted to announce the anticipated release of our new style 'Non-Conformance’ report page for the Fire module that visualises the data for you with improvements coming over time

Non-Conformance Tracking:
The ability to track open and overdue non-conformances helps improve accountability and ensures the timely resolution of them

Non-Conformance Page Breakdown

Page Level Filtering:


The ‘Non-Conformance’ report defaults to displaying data for all your accessible locations. You can narrow your focus using the Location Selector search filter, allowing for quick customisation. Once applied, charts and data grids update immediately reflecting data based on the chosen location(s).

FRA Round

This drop-down filter enables you to view non-conformance data from specific FRA rounds, offering a detailed look at performance from the selected period.

Primary KPI Card

Open Non-Conformances

The main KPI card at the top of the page displays the total number of unresolved non-conformances across the selected location(s) and round, offering a quick snapshot of outstanding compliance issues that need attention.



Raised and Open Non-Conformances:

By Location

Two bar charts display non-conformances by location. One shows the total non-conformances raised, and the other highlights non-conformances that remain open. The charts emphasise on the severity of non-conformances across locations, allowing you to prioritise more urgent issues at your locations.


By Compliance Point
These charts break down non-conformances by specific FRA compliance areas. Both raised and open non-conformances are categorised by severity, making it easy to identify which areas require the most focus.




Non-Conformances by Status

A breakdown of open vs closed non-conformances is shown, with categories indicating overdue and closed-late actions. This visualisation helps you track and gain insights on how effectively non-conformances are being addressed within deadlines.


Tabular Data Grid:
Actions Summary:
The actions summary table at the bottom of the page provides a tabular overview of raised and open non-conformances by location and compliance point. It highlights the severity and displays the number of overdue actions. Additionally, closed actions are tracked, including those completed late, allowing you to monitor closure efficiency.

The Occurrences grid provides an overview of non-conformances categorised by compliance point and section name. It tracks the number of times each non-conformance was flagged over the course of a round, a breakdown of how many are at what severity level, open actions, overdue actions, and closed actions, including those closed late. You can easily filter and sort data, enabling quick identification of areas requiring attention, helping manage and resolve open issues efficiently.

Action Detail
The Action Detail grid presents a comprehensive view of non-conformances by location and division, assigning each a severity level (Intolerable, Substantial, Moderate, Tolerable). It includes detailed information such as FRA date, action status (open, closed, or overdue), due dates, and last update. This allows users to monitor the progress of each non-conformance, ensuring timely resolution and adherence to compliance standards.


PDF  and Export function
The addition of the 'Download PDF' button provides a quick way to capture the entire "page" including charts and summaries, in a convenient PDF format. This function eliminates the need to manually create or compile visual data, saving time for further analysis or distribution.


The 'Export Data' button within the tabulator grid at the bottom of the page , enables easy export of the selected information within the grid into a CSV file, allowing for deeper data analysis or integration with other reporting tools.

Please note

With the introduction of the new reports you will no longer need to access the Classic reports-therefore these will be switched off and you can use the New Style Reports for your information 

  • Top Ten Non-Conformances
  • Top Ten Intolerable and Substantial Non-Conformances

The "Open Actions Points" report will now be placed under a new tab named "Classic Reports" until we roll out New features across the reports suite