How do I create a Risk Assessment?

It is likely that you will need to build some Risk Assessments that are specific to your company or location. This article will guide you through the process of how to do this.

Sign in to RiskProof.

Click the Risk Assessment module in the left-hand navigation.

Click the Manage tab. 

If you cannot see the Manage tab, this is likely due to your permissions and you will need to speak with an Administrator. 

Click the Create New RA button.

You will then be taken through the flow below where you will need to complete the details of the new Risk Assessment. 

Basic Details - This includes the name of the Risk Assessment, a description, an option to add an Image and tick boxes for the People Exposed. 

Hazards - To create a hazard, click the +Add hazard button - you will need to provide the name of the hazard, the category that it falls under (Chemical, Biological, Physical, Psychological), the consequence severity, likelihood and a description. These are all mandatory fields. You can add multiple hazards in this section.

Control Measures - List any control measures required to help mitigate the risk and likelihood of the previously identified hazards occurring. To create a control measure, click the +Add control measure button. Any controls set to non-mandatory can be removed by a site during their review if not applicable to them.

Likelihood - Click the plus/minus buttons on each hazard to adjust the likelihood after control measures are correctly applied. You will see your new risk rating appear.

Publish - Assign this risk assessment to locations by using the assignment controls. Additionally, attach any relevant training material or supplementary documentation that could further help a user in carrying out this activity safely.

At the bottom of the final page, you have the option to Preview or Publish the Risk Assessment