What reports are there on the Audit module?

Within the Audit module there are a variety of reports you can run to track and analyse the audits that have been completed and any subsequent actions. You can even use them to compare different audit rounds.

To find the reports that you can run, sign in to RiskProof.

Click the Audit module in the left-hand navigation.

Click the Reports tab.

You can then choose to view 11 different report types from the dropdown menu:

  • Outstanding audit action points - This report can be filtered by audit rounds. The report shows the location, date of the audit, priority, section, compliance point, sub-point and the comment for any outstanding audit action points
  • Section scores for all locations - The report can be filtered by division, audit round A and audit round B (audit round A must be selected to enable the report to be run). This report allows you to compare one audit round, with the same audit set, to another with a breakdown of sections. This report provides a breakdown of the sections within the audit, the locations where the audit has been completed, their score and an average of the scores (underneath the scores in a grey font). The next column provides the variance that the location has to the average score for that section.
  • Confidence in management rating - The report can be filtered by division, audit round A and audit round B (audit round A must be selected to enable the report to be run). This report allows you to compare the confidence in management rating in one audit round to another. It shows the locations within the round and the confidence in management rating. 
  • Total score for all divisions - The report can be filtered by division, audit round A and audit round B (audit round A must be selected to enable the report to be run). This report allows you to compare the total score in one audit round to another by division. It shows the overall score from the division with the variance to the overall score and the scoreband for that division.
  • Total score for all locations - The report can be filtered by division, audit round A and audit round B (audit round A must be selected to enable the report to be run). This report allows you to compare the total score in one audit round to another by location. It shows the overall score from the location with the variance to the overall score and the scoreband for that location.
  • Top ten deductions - The report can be filtered by audit round, division and type (the audit round must be selected to allow the report to run). It will then give you a description of the top ten deduction points and the number of times that they occurred in that round
  • Top ten common occurrences - The report can be filtered by audit round and division (the audit round must be selected to allow the report to run). It will then give you a description of the top ten common occurrences and the number of times that they occurred in that round. You can click into the occurrences to see a more detailed overview and their current status
  • Common occurrences - This report can be filtered by audit round, division and priority (the audit round must be selected to allow the report to run). This shows you the category, point and descriptions of the common occurrences along with the number of times they occurred in that round
  • Current audit status - This report can be filtered by division. It shows the audit status, both scoreband and percentage, for each location. 
  • Critical and high actions - This report can be filtered by division, audit round and priority (the audit round must be selected to allow the report to run). It shows the description of the action, the location, priority and the status of it. This report can be used to easily identify any outstanding critical or high actions that need actioning.