How do I remove a Registry item from a location?

You may notice that a Registry item is visible for a location that does not require it. This article will show you how to remove an item that is not applicable.

Sign in to RiskProof.

Click the Registry module in the left-hand navigation.

Click the Overview tab, select Search locations and use the dropdown to select the location that you need to add the Registry item to. If you only have access to one location, this will already be open on the Overview tab.

Here, you can use the Search and other filters to narrow your search or scroll to find it on the list. Once you have located the item, click the ellipses on the right-hand side of the item, then click Delete.  You will then receive a confirmation pop-up message asking you to confirm that you wish to delete the item - click OK to complete the deletion.

If you cannot see the Delete option, it is likely that this Registry item was marked as Mandatory on creation and cannot be removed. This is managed on the Manage Items tab which is typically only visible to Administrators. 


If you accidentally delete a Registry item that is required, you can reinstate it by following the steps in our How can I restore a deleted Registry item? article.