Understanding RiskProof red, amber, green (RAG) statuses.

You are viewing the dashboard summary information in RiskProof. Each module has a red, amber or green health status. This article explains how to interpret the red, amber or green status of each module.


The RAG status for the Monitoring module is based on both percentage completion of checklists in the last 30 days, as well as how many overdue defects there are:

The score bands are:

Green: 95% or more checklists completed in the last 30 days or 2 or less overdue defects.

Amber: 90-94% checklists completed in the last 30 days or 5 or less overdue defects.

Red: Less than 90% checklists completed in the last 30 days or over 5 overdue defects.

Audit Module

The RAG status for the Audit module is generated from the last audit conducted and is based on the score band that the audit achieved when first published. The status can be improved by closing the non-conformances from the last audit. For example, if the last audit had a percentage score of 90% but had a critical non-conformance, the status would be Red. If the critical non-conformance was signed off, then the status would be Green.

The default score bands are:

Green: Overall score of 80% or above with no open critical or high non-conformances.

Amber: Overall score of 60-79% or no open critical non-conformances or a maximum of three open high non-conformances.

Red: Overall score below 60% or one or more open critical non-conformances or four or more open high non-conformances.


The RAG status for the Fire module is generated from the last FRA conducted and is based on the number of non-conformances raised when first published. The status can be improved by closing the non-conformances from the last FRA. For example, if the last FRA had both a substantial and moderate non-conformance, the status would be Red. If the substantial non-conformance was signed off, then the status would be Amber. Then if the moderate non-conformance was signed off, then the status would be Green.

The default score bands are:

Green: Zero open non-conformances.

Amber: At least one open Tolerable or Moderate non-conformance and no open Substantial or Intolerable non-conformances.

Red: At least one open Substantial or Intolerable non-conformance.


The RAG status for the Registry module is based on percentages of item records which are currently in date:

The score bands are:

Green: 80% or more item records in date.

Amber: 60-79% item records in date.

Red: Less than 60% item records in date.


The RAG status for the Training module is based on percentages of training records which are currently in date:

The score bands are:

Green: 80% or more training records in date.

Amber: 60-79% training records in date.

Red: Less than 60% training records in date.

Risk Assessment

The RAG status for the Risk Assessment status is automatically Red if any assigned risk assessment with a rating of 50 or more (i.e. High risk) is either not adopted or is not in date (i.e. hasn’t been reviewed one year since the last review).

If the status isn’t automatically red based on the criteria above, then the status is based on the number of risk assessments adopted:

Green: 90% or more assigned risk assessments are adopted.

Amber: 80-89% assigned risk assessments are adopted.

Red: Less than 80% assigned risk assessments are adopted.

Non-RAG Modules

Summary information for the Helpline, Policy and Documents modules don't include a RAG status or feed into the overall status.