How do I assign a checklist to a location?

You have created a checklist within RiskProof and need to assign it to a location or multiple locations. The article below will show you step-by-step how to do this.


Please note, it is typically only Administrators who have permission to assign checklists to locations.


To assign and schedule a checklist, sign in to RiskProof.

Click the Monitoring module in the left-hand navigation.

Click the Manage checklists tab. 

You will need to click + Create Assignment button on the bottom right of the checklist you have just created. 

This will bring up an Assign & schedule section which will need to be completed accordingly.

Firstly you will need to enter a date you wish your checklist to be active. This is the date the checklist will appear as open. The Repeating every section will auto-populate depending on the frequency you have selected when creating the checklist.

You can then select which days of the week you would like the checklist to be open on. This is particularly useful if you require checks to be completed on set days. 

If the Can be completed anytime within a cycle radio button is ticked this means the checklist can be completed at any time during that cycle. However, if you click the Limit completion window to range radio button this allows you to create a time range which the checklist will be open for. The checklist will then only be open for that specific time and will need to be completed within the time range.

Once the above fields have been completed you will then need to assign this checklist to a location or multiple locations if you wish. You can either start typing the name of the location in the Assign to locations text field or alternatively click Show list next to the box to see all locations and divisions.

After selecting the locations you wish the checklist to be assigned to you will need to click Assign To locations then Save Assign & Schedule.

Lastly, click Save Checklist

Your checklist will now become live and open when scheduled.