How do I assign a checklist to a specific user?

You are unable to assign a checklist to a specific user/user role however, you are able to select a category to filter through checklists. This article will show you how to filter checklist via categories and how to assign a checklist to a category.

Please note, this is not a permissioned action. If you have permission to view checklists, you can view categories as well.

To assign a checklist to a specific user, sign in to RiskProof.

Click the Monitoring module in the left-hand navigation.

Click the View checklists tab. 

Then click on the [location] you wish to view.


Use the Category dropdown to view all the checklists with this category label.

You will then be able to log checks for the specific checklist you need.

A checklist can be assigned to a category during the creation of the checklist or after the checklist has been created. 

It is typically Administrators who have permission to create checklists and edit them.

During the creation of a checklist, you will have the option to select a Category from the dropdown or Add category from the link. 

Create checklist

If you would like to assign a checklist to a category after it has been created, click on the Manage checklists tab within the Monitoring module. Locate the checklist and click the ellipsis and then click Edit.


Here you can select which category you which to assign the checklist to. Make sure you scroll down and click Save checklist.


If you assign a checklist to a category that has already been assigned to locations, this will reflect on all locations too.