What reports are there on the Monitoring Module?

Within the Monitoring Module there are a number of reports you can run to ensure that the checklists are being completed and defects closed off

To access the reports, sign in to RiskProof.

Click the Monitoring module in the left-hand navigation.

Click the Reports tab.

You can then choose to view four report types from the dropdown menu:

  • Open defects - This report can be filtered by division. It shows a breakdown of each location and the number of open defects on each checklist. Please note that only locations and checklists that have open defects will show on this report
  • Defect analysis - This report can be filtered by division. It shows a breakdown of each location and the number of defects that are open as well as those that are open and overdue. If you select 'View' you will be taken to the 'view defects' page for that location
  • Checklist completion detail - This report can be filtered by division, checklist name and can be run within a specific date range. It shows a breakdown of each location, which division it is in, the total number of checklists in the period, how many were completed, missed, in a draft state, or not started, and a percentage of the checklists which have been completed. If you want to see a more in detail breakdown of which checklists have been completed or missed during a time period for a location you can click the View history tab
  • Missed checklists details - This report can be filtered by division, checklist name and can be run within a specific date range. It shows a breakdown of each location, which division it is in, the checklist name and frequency, the date it was missed and the percentage completed of that checklist.