Updates to Building Description Fields in Fire Risk Assessment Reports

The next phase of updates to the Fire module is to further improve the content of Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) reports.


This update enhances the data captured by assessors at the time of the FRA, which is subsequently displayed within the Building Description section of the final report.

Note: These changes will only take effect on new Fire Risk Assessment rounds. This is to ensure consistency of reports across our customers' estates during FRA rounds which are in progress.


  • To further improve our alignment to PAS-79 guidelines and beyond.
  • Provide customers with additional pertinent information about fire safety at their premises.
  • Better data collection options to save assessor input time.


Premises Information Updated - More detailed premises description and additional means of escape information.

  • Description of premises broken down by general, construction, compartmentation and means of escape descriptions, instead of construction and layout description recorded previously.
  • New means of escape information captured and displayed for number of stairways, final exits and presence of lifts.
  • Enhanced method to record footprint of building.
  • Additional options for occupancy type.

New Occupants Information - Additional occupancy figures and description.

  • New section to record details of occupancy.
  • As well as figures for the number of persons occupying the property at any one time.

Occupants at Risk Updated - Improved Recording of Occupants at Risk.

  • New section to record details of occupancy.
  • As well as figures for the number of persons occupying the property at any one time.

New Fire Safety Protection Information - Additional information about fire safety measures in place

New section to record important information in place at the premises regarding:

  • Security measures.
  • Fire alarm and emergency lighting systems.
  • Fire fighter provisions.
  • Fire extinguishing methods.
  • Other fixed systems such as sprinklers, fire suppression systems.

Updated Other Relevant Information - Additional information for who manages fire safety

  • New questions to record details of the competent person who supports the responsible person.
  • As well as who manages day to day fire safety.
  • Additional detail around the fire evacuation policy in place.