You may have a created a checklist or have a checklist assigned to you that you would like to edit. This article will show you how to edit a checklist step by step.
Please note, it is usually Administrators that have permission to edit checklists. This will depend on your user permissions.
Sign in to RiskProof.
Click the Monitoring module in the left-hand navigation.
Click the Manage checklists tab.
Caution: If you edit a checklist that is assigned to several locations, the changes will be made for all locations.
You will find a list of all your checklist records. Locate the checklist you wish to edit then click the ellipsis, then click Edit.
Here you can make any changes to the checklist you wish. Remember, you are unable to edit the frequency. Once changes have been made you must click Save Checklist to ensure changes have been saved.
If you edit a section or question that has been previously used on another checklist, the changes will reflect on that checklist too.