How do I close off action points on an audit?

When an audit is conducted you may have audit points you need to action. The article below will help you understand how to close them off.

To close an action point on an audit, sign in to RiskProof.

Click the Audits module in the left-hand navigation.

If you have multiple sites you will need to select the location of the site where the audit was performed. 

On this page, a list of the audits you have had performed at this location will show. Click on the Audit name link to access the Audit report.

Scroll down to the Detailed report section where you will see points labelled Not Actioned.

Click the Change link to update the non-conformance.

A short description of the non-conformance, a dropdown menu and a text box will then appear.

Add the necessary information within the text box and select In progress or Closed from the dropdown menu.

Then click the Update status button to save.

When a non-conformance is updated, details of the user that updates a non-conformance are time-stamped recording who took action and when.

Tip: When closing an audit point you have the option to upload pictures. PDF's and Documents are not supported.