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New Features

The latest information about the newest parts of RiskProof. Get up to date on the cool new features we've released.


When you log into the RiskProof system you will be greeted with the dashboard which will give you an overview for how your company is performing


Any checks that you and your colleagues need to complete, can be accessed here, along with the history of them

To-dos and Alerts

You can set to-dos for certain users or locations and alerts for certain modules to alert users

Account and Settings

In account and settings you can amend your settings and the access that other users have


Any Audits that are completed by us, or self-audits that are completed by yourselves, will be displayed here


Any Fire Risk Assessments that are completed by us, or self-FRAs that are completed by yourselves, will be displayed here


Here you can raise cases to record in your digital accident and incident book


In the Registry Module, you can record all of your necessary certification and set reminders to ensure these are actioned on time


You can log all of your colleague's training and certificates here. This is also where you can access purchased CPL eLearning courses

Risk Assessment

In this module you can create Risk Assessments and assign them to specific stores. Any Risk Assessments purchased from us will also be here


Any ad hoc documents or PDFs can be stored here and assigned to divisions for them to be able to view and download


All policies can be stored here and assigned to sites for them to be able to view and download

RiskProof App

We have a RiskProof app which can be downloaded from the apple or android store. You can complete monitoring checks on the app

Safe to Trade

Safe to Trade is the standard in food safety, hygiene, health and safety that puts people’s health first and helps the hospitality industry to thrive.

Release Notes

Information for software updates