Helpline Case Updates

This article discusses the changes which are being made to the Helpline case forms.


The standard Accident, Incident or Near Miss case type has now been split into three separate case types:

  • Accident 
  • Near Miss/Dangerous Occurrence 
  • Incident 
In addition, updates to our standard case types have been carried out with the introduction of new questions, updates to existing sections and answer options: 

  • Alleged Food Poisoning 
  • Alleged Foreign Body * 
  • General * 
  • Allergy * 
  • Official Officer Visit * 
  • Maintenance/Fault Reporting 
* Note: these case types have also had their name updated. 


Customers with the standard case types will now log Accident; Incident; or Near Miss cases separately to reduce time spent filling in a form for near misses and general incidents. The newly created Near Miss/Dangerous Occurrence and Incident forms have been streamlined and do not contain fields such as injured party details. The reporting of such cases has been designed to provide a better user experience, and will both save time and and encourage increased reporting of near misses. 

Feature 1: New case types 

The previous Accident, Incident or Near Miss case type will be archived and three new case types will be released:

  • Accident;
  • Near Miss/Dangerous Occurrence;
  • and Incident. 
Although new Accident, Incident or Near Miss cases cannot be raised on the Add Case page, historic cases will still be visible in My Cases and can be edited where necessary. They will also still show in Reports and Export and any items added to an action plan will still show in Actions. 

Accident Form Changes

Mirrors the old case, but with the following improvements: 

  • Removed duplicate questions e.g. 'ambulance called?'
  • Ability to record type of disease
  • Updated ‘type of injury’ options for better reporting
  • Updated ‘best description of accident’ options for better reporting
  • Updated ‘what did the accident result in’ with more options, re-ordered by severity and added ‘(RIDDOR)’ reference
  • Moved RIDDOR related questions (Work process and Main factor) so only appear when RIDDOR has a 'Yes' response.

Near Miss Form Changes

  • Can be used for near misses or dangerous occurrences
  • Is much shorter for speed of input 
  • Allows dangerous occurrence to be logged as RIDDOR reportable 
  • Allows investigation to be recorded after case opening 

Incident Form Changes

The form is shorter and can be used for any other type of incident such as: 

  • Alcohol/Licensing issues e.g. refusals 

  • Business interruption e.g. fires, floods, utility failures 

  • General incidents e.g. pests, norovirus outbreaks 

  • Security issues e.g. fraud, thefts 

  • Allows investigation to be recorded after case opening

    Feature 2: Updates to existing case types 

    Below is a summary of the changes made to each of the other existing case types.

    General Changes

    • Added a description on the Add Case page to guide users in selecting the correct case type for the type of incident 

    • Added characters remaining counter to Notes and Action Plan 

    • Renamed ‘Did you make any changes’ section to ‘Actions taken’ 

    Alleged Food Poisoning Form

    • Question terminology changes 

    • Added and updated some fields to record extra details when required 

    • Amended the data selection experience e.g. ‘Age’ free text changed to ‘Age range’ radio button selection 

    • Updated answer types from free text to specified options

     Foreign Body Form

    • Name changed from ‘Alleged Foreign Body’ to ‘Foreign Body’ 

    • Question terminology changes 

    • Added extra contact detail fields and who found the foreign body 

    • Removed duplicate questions 

    • Amended answer type (i.e. from free text type to a radio button selection) 

    • Updated mandatory fields to optional (where necessary)

    Allergy/Intolerance Form

    • Name changed from ‘Allergy’ to ‘Allergy/Intolerance’ 

    • Question terminology changes 

    • Removed duplicate questions 

    • Added question with a list of 14 allergens for a user selection with option for ‘Other’ when necessary 

    • Updated answer types from free text to specified options 

    General Food Incident Form

    • Name changed from ‘General’ to ‘General Food Incident’ 
    • Added new sections (to record investigation results) 

    Regulatory Inspection/Contact Form

    • Name changed from ‘Official Officer Visit’ to ‘Regulatory Inspection/Contact’ 

    • Question terminology changes 

    • Updating fields to ‘add extra details’ (when ‘Other’ selected) 

    • Added extra contact details fields 

    Maintenance/Fault Reporting Form

    • Added new questions (such as equipment specifications) 

    • Question terminology changes 

    • Updated question answer type 

    • Adding new ‘actions taken’ section 

    Further enhancements and impact of changes

    System area                                                  Enhancements

    Dashboard Dashboard will consolidate the old and new case types data e.g. RIDDOR figures. Therefore, all statistics will remain unaffected and actions can be taken from the Helpline widget as usual. 
    Add Case

    The case type list has been updated to display the ‘help text’. Now, users can intuitively select the right case type for the incident and follow the correct case creation process.  

    The three new cases - ‘Accident’, ‘Incident’ and ‘Near Miss/Dangerous Occurrence’ are now visible in the page replacing the ‘Accident, Incident or Near Miss' case type.  

    My Cases

    The ‘My cases’ page has been designed to make sure that historic cases remain unchanged. Historic cases can be edited and old questions and answers will remain unchanged. 

    Persons involved search function will work for both old and new accident cases.  

    Actions The case type name changes can be visible in the ‘Actions’ page. The user experience should remain unchanged.  
    Reporting Reporting has been updated to display the old and new cases. Users will not need to run a report for old cases and then a separate report for new cases and merge. Data will automatically be consolidated. 

    Where case types have been removed from the ‘Add case’ page, they now display as [Archived]. Users will still be able to obtain data on their old cases when required. 

    Where a question in an existing case has been updated, it will be in an archived state. Changes have been made to the export function in order to ensure these archived questions and their answers are still visible. The archived questions will display in the column header as [Archived]. 

    Note: As a result of the above, if the export is run between dates which contain both the old and new case data, there will be some duplication of fields from the ‘Actions taken’ section only. So these may need to be edited beforehand if doing some analysis on the data. 

    Questions and answers will display in the export file depending on their availability at the time of raising the case. So over time, once the new cases are used and exports are no longer run for old case data, this issue will phase out. 

    Overall benefits

    • Save input time as previously users could not submit a near miss or incident case without completing all fields on the old Accident, Incident or Near Miss case type, some of which were irrelevant 

    • Increased reporting of near misses and/or incidents due to shorter input forms 

    • Better data collection for improved reporting capabilities 

    New Feature Videos

    Accident Form

    Incident Form


    Near Miss/Dangerous Occurrence Form


    Alleged Food Poisoning Form

    Foreign Body Form

    Allergy/Intolerance Form

    General Food Incident

    Regulatory Inspection/Contact Form

    Maintenance/Fault Reporting Form