New Audit Reporting Features

This article discusses the changes which are being made to the Reporting functionality within the Audit module.


We are excited to announce the big launch of a new reporting dashboard in RiskProof’s Audit module under the new tab ‘Reports-Beta’. This is an enhanced reporting space that transforms your audit results to narrate its own story. With better data visualisation and insights into key metrics for Audit ‘Scores’ it will be easier to take informed decisions and prepare for board reporting. The ‘Scores’ page is the first of the 4 pages that will be introduced to the new Audit reports function under the Reports-Beta tab. Date presented on the ‘Scores’ page is based on the Overall (original) location scores achieved at the time of audit as well as a deeper dive into Section Scores for the selected Round. 

Feature 1: Primary Filters


By default, the Report-Beta 'Scores' page now provides a comprehensive report based on the user’s accessible locations grouped by their Divisions. The Location Selector, a multi-select dropdown search filter, ensures effortless customisation and modification. Users benefit from added control through the introduction of 'Select All' and 'Clear All' features. With a single click on the 'Filter' button, the page’s charts, graphs, and data instantly update based on the current selection.


Upon initial page load, the ‘Round’ filter defaults to the round with the most recently published Audit, allowing focus to the latest audit data. The dropdown list for this filter is sorted by presenting the newest rounds to the top. This organisation minimizes scrolling efforts, ensuring swift identification and access to the most recent rounds. Notably, only rounds with at least one published audit are visible within the dropdown list, optimising clarity and relevance in your selection process.

Feature 2: Primary KPI Chart

This chart gives you a snapshot of the average Audit Score and score band for the selected Round and location(s) you've chosen achieved at the time of the audit. When you tweak the primary filters, the chart quickly adapts to show you immediate changes based on the new selection. It's designed to offer a responsive and customised visual experience.

Feature 3: Scores Across Locations (Scatter Chart)

Introducing a new chart displaying overall scores across audited locations. The x-axis represents the Scores percentages, and the y-axis shows the Audited Location Count. Each data point is color-coded to indicate the achieved score band, with multiple locations obtaining the same score and score band represented by a single dot for clarity. You can easily hide or display specific score bands by clicking on their names in the legend. It's a user-friendly way to interact with the data and focus on what matters to you.

Feature 4: Score bands by Location (Donut Chart)

Discover insights effortlessly with the interactive Donut Chart. Hover over each segment to reveal the precise number of locations within each score band. This feature provides an instant breakdown, enhancing your understanding of the distribution across different score bands based on the selected Round.

Feature 5: Location Scores (Leaderboard)

The leaderboard chart highlights the Top and Bottom five scoring locations from the selected round in a single view. The ranking order is first determined by scoreband and then by percentage scores. By default, the top five scoring locations are initially displayed, and a different view changeable by using the dropdown menu within the chart to shift focus to the bottom 5 performers.

Feature 6: Section Scores (Leaderboard)

Introducing the Section Scores leaderboard, a variant that showcases the Top and Bottom average Sections scores across selected locations within a single round. By default, the chart displays the top five scoring sections, and users have the flexibility to switch focus using the dropdown menu similar to Location Scores.

Feature 7: Tabular Data Grid

Overall Scores

Experience a comprehensive overview with our tabular data grid, showcasing Overall Scores, the corresponding scoreband achieved by locations, and a breakdown count of non-conformances raised against each audit. Priorities are highlighted with colour badges, providing a visual cue for focusing on location that require improvement.

The grid comes equipped with column header filters and sorting options, ensuring you can customize the display according to your preferences. For added convenience, a ‘Reset Filters’ button is available, allowing you to seamlessly return to the default view. Interact with the grid dynamically by dragging rows and columns, giving you the ability to closely compare and analyse data. It's a powerful tool for in-depth exploration and understanding of your audit data.

Section Scores

By default, the data grid for the Scores pages is focused on the Overall Scores, you can switch to access Section Scores information by selecting the grid tab name. Data on the grid will be grouped by section name. This grid provides comprehensive section score information for audits published in a single round. The data is grouped by section name, and you'll find additional details such as the count of non-conformances raised within each section against a location, broken down by their priority. 

Feature 8: Download and Export

The addition of the 'Download PDF' button gives the ability for users to capture a comprehensive snapshot of the current page, including charts and graphs. By simply clicking this option, users can generate a PDF file, ready for sharing, further analysis or archival. This is designed to eliminate the need for manual creation of charts based on information available in Riskproof saving time.

Whether you're diving into deeper insights or sharing information across teams, ‘Export Data' button, will export the data currently displayed in the tabular data grid and receive the output of your report in a convenient CSV file format allowing for further analysis and offering flexibility with ease of use.

How it Benefits You:

  • Time Savings: Users can now access comprehensive and visually enriched reports directly within RiskProof, saving time spent on creating custom board packs.
  • Enhanced Decision-Making: With improved insights and visual elements, users can make informed decisions swiftly, contributing to better health and safety compliance.

We believe these enhancements mark a significant step forward in meeting and exceeding modern standards and user expectations.


In this release, the accessibility to existing ‘Section scores by locations’ will be discontinued and removed from the list of reports, marking the initial phase of transitioning to the new report format.